Metaphorically Preoccupied “Finding a Way to Lick a Cat…”
“I was hoping you might explain what the hell happened on Tuesday.”
“I was hoping you might explain what the hell happened on Tuesday.”
Nick Gillespie caught up with Mike Rowe in Nashville, Tennessee to chat.
Albert Samos writes…The media has recently been stating that Donald Trump’s key supporters didn’t graduate from college. They constantly refer to these people as “uneducated white men.” As an electrical contractor who happens to be a white guy with six employees but no college, I find this vaguely offensive and somewhat confusing. What do you think of the media characterizing people this way? Hi Albert If the media is referring to Trump supporters who happen to be male caucasians suffering from a lack of knowledge brought about by an absence of formal or practical instruction, than I guess “uneducated white Read More
For those of you with better things to do than watch a four-minute video of me thanking Angela Phillips for bidding $15,575.00
Dear Mike – You likened your fundraising efforts in a previous post to a “perpetual telethon.”
and Horrify Half the Country.”
Lo Rissanen writes…“Thank you Mike, I appreciate the response, but we will have to agree to disagree on plagiarism not being “VERY different”
As you may have noticed, there’s an election going on, and every cable news network on the planet has taken a solemn vow to mention Donald J. Trump.
I happened across CNN just in time to learn that someone had nominated me to serve as Donald Trump’s Vice President.