After The Dirt is focused on the lessons Mike Rowe learned while working as an apprentice on more than 300 jobs while filming the hit TV series Dirty Jobs. From PR campaigns to articles, social media to television shows, After The Dirt seeks to debunk myths and misconceptions about the skilled labor, promote the importance of trade opportunities, and help close the skills gap.
Life After ‘Dirty Jobs’: Mike Rowe Busts The Myths About Blue-Collar Work
Why “Work Smart, Not Hard” is the Worst Advice in the World – Popular Mechanics Article
SkillsUSA Champions Fall 2013 Magazine: Mike Rowe ‘Work Smart and Hard’
Mechanical Business Magazine: Down & Dirty with Mike Rowe
Challenge Magazine: Mike Rowe Profoundly Disconnected
Innovation & Technology Today Q&A with Mike Rowe
Instructional Videos
Career Advice from Glenn Beck and Mike Rowe
Alternative Education
Behind the Brand: Mike Rowe Talks “Work Hard AND Smart”
After The Dirt (Video Series)
Mike Rowe on Huckabee – Making a Case for the Trades
ReasonTV Interviews Mike Rowe on The High Cost of College