OFF THE WALL: Disapproval from a Fake Journalist September 8, 2014Mike, a friend of mine posted this article recently. “Mike Rowe’s Dirty Job.” While I fundamentally disagree with every point in it, I would love to hear your rebuttals to the personal attacks. Posted by Joey Defourneaux, 10:02 am, 9/7/2014
Thanks Joey
Happy to oblige. When my flight’s delayed, and my entire day goes to hell in a handcart, there’s really no more...
Joan Rivers September 6, 2014It was late September, 1991. I had been fired from QVC
mikeroweWORKS Turns 6 and 176 Students Are Going to Have Wonderful Lives in 2014 September 1, 2014Howdy
As some of you know, I have a small foundation called mikeroweWORKS. It began six years ago on this day. Since then, things have since gotten progressively and delightfully out of hand.
The purpose of mikeroweWORKS is to encourage more people to pursue job opportunities that actually exist – specifically, opportunities that require the mastery of a skill that’s in demand. more...