“The resume is the work.” -John Richardson, Sugar Creek
About thirty-five seconds into the short video, you’re about to watch, you’ll hear the above quote – a truth bomb if there ever was one – casually uttered by a man named John Richardson. John is the visionary behind Sugar Creek – a remarkable garage in Washington Courthouse, Ohio. He might have said, “the work speaks for itself,” but John was referring to something more than the undeniable beauty of the work in question; he was also referring to the fact that so many employers today rely upon a piece of paper filled with inflated accomplishments and outright fabrication to determine who to hire and who not to hire.
Well, that’s not how John Richardson hires. John doesn’t look at a person’s resume; he looks at a person’s work. And then, he looks at their work ethic. That’s it. Then, if he likes what he sees, you’re hired! And that’s why Sugar Creek is quite possibly the greatest garage in America; because it’s filled with men whose resume is their work. Men who build, craft, and fabricate automotive masterpieces, that you simply have to see to believe.
As I mentioned last month, one of those masterpieces will be auctioned off this Saturday in Scottsdale, Arizona, at the annual @Barrett_Jackson Auction. If you haven’t seen, here it is.
https://bit.ly/40qRUEQ All of the proceeds from this beast – as in, every penny – will benefit the mikeroweWORKS Foundation. Why? Because the automotive industry – like every other industry that relies upon skilled labor – has far more open positions than it does people to fill them. Currently, 68,000 mechanics and technicians are needed in garages all over the country. And that’s a real problem for everyone who owns and operates a motor vehicle.
At mikeroweWORKS, we’re doing all we can to train the next generation of skilled tradespeople, including the next generation of auto mechanics. The money raised from this auction will be used to do that very thing, and I want to thank John Richardson, and the men he employs, for helping us achieve that objective. I’m talking about men who, collectively, spent over 10,000 hours fabricating a one-of-a-kind truck from scratch. Men did not go to college, but chose instead to master a skill that’s in demand. Men who do not need to update their resumes, because they understand that the resume is the work. And the work, speaks for itself.
If that’s not worth sharing, I don’t know what is.
>Mike’s Facebook Page