Off The Wall: The Knobelman on your Playlist

Mr. Rowe – Do you have a crystal ball? I only ask, because the lyrics in your whiskey song foretold a reality in our present-day economy best described as…prescient. I refer specifically to these two stanzas, now playing remorselessly in my mind. “Offshore the cargo ships are stuck On the highways no more trucks At the gas pump prices suck It’s a transportation jack-job. Inflations high and all around The infrastructures falling down Lockdowns loom in every town And they wonder why we drink!” Your song is a ballad for the ages. A supply-chain lament, as it were. You should, Read More

Just Say Nyet (Ep. 255)

  For Father’s Day, I thought it might be fun to talk with the son of a father who changed the world. Michael Reagan is my guest on the podcast this week, and believe me, he has stories. He also has a terrific book called Lessons My Father Taught Me, and a perspective on our country that I think is worth sharing. PS. Sorry I’ve been scarce. Dirty Jobs is still in full production mode, and I’ve been on the road constantly. More about that later. PPS. Dad – I’m coming to see you this weekend. Don’t worry, there will Read More

“They Shoot Nazis…That’s Fun!” (Ep. 253)

Somehow, in the chaos of the last few weeks, I neglected to post a video to last weeks excellent podcast with Bill Whittle, which has already been eclipsed this weeks excellent podcast with Robert Kiyosaki. Tomorrow, if all goes as planned, I’ll post a short video the current podcast, which is excellent, by the way, but for now, in the spirit of slamming the barn door after the horse has run out, here’s a short video of Bill and me, discussing the Gardens of Stone at Arlington, and the unsurpassed specialness of that place. Full episode

Allyssa Has Three Jobs

So, I’m walking down the street in uptown Charlotte when I notice my reflection in a window and conclude that I need a haircut. Coincidentally, the window is attached to a barbershop, where a sign says a man can get his hair cut for $35. Even though I’m here to film Dirty Jobs – a show that allows me to appear as disheveled as I usually am – there are other obligations on my calendar this week that require a more respectable coif. So, I walk inside, where a millennial named Allyssa invites me to take a seat. “Would you Read More

Distinguished Lecture Series

Four years ago, I was invited to Hobbs, NM to participate in a “Distinguished Lecture Series,” wherein I discussed a few of my more memorable Dirty Jobs, and shared my take on the state of skilled labor in America. It’s not often the “dirty jobs guy” gets lumped in with a collection of “distinguished” speakers, but I was happy to address the good people of Hobbs, and delighted to drag them through the sewer that is my resume. Coincidentally, I was there on the same day the town was considering an ambitious proposal to get shop class back into their Read More