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Speed and a Tarzan Swing ~ Somebody’s Gotta Do It November 9, 2015 What are we to conclude from photos like these?
read more... Fridays With Freddy: Tasty Thousand Milers November 7, 2015 These are The Biped’s favorite shoes. He calls them “Thousand Milers,”
read more... Cat® Dozer Ride Music Video November 5, 2015 Jake who I’ve been working with for the last few years on various ways to make skilled labor look a bit more interesting.
read more... Off The Wall: Civil “Hard Work” Debate November 5, 2015 I just stumbled across a long letter posted on HuffPo, from a gentleman named Charles Clymer
read more... Off The Wall: Terrifying Specter November 3, 2015 “My 8 year old Grandson Zachary was Mike Rowe for Halloween”
read more... A Somebody’s Gotta Do It Masterpiece November 2, 2015 Another Sunday evening. I’m settling in with a civilized Cabernet,
read more... Fridays With Freddy: My Biped, His Shadow & Me October 30, 2015 Much of what passes for music among H. Sapiens makes my head hurt.
read more... Off The Wall: What’s on YOUR Wall? October 30, 2015 ‘Hello Mr. Rowe! What’s your take on MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry being offended by the phrase “hard worker”?
read more... SGDI: The Most Geographically Diverse October 28, 2015 The first story takes place high above the forest floor somewhere in Oregon
read more... Off The Wall: Brief “Bad Job” Rant October 28, 2015 “I was able to encourage one of my son’s friends in his quest to become a trained welder. “
read more... Off The Wall: Article So Damn Complimentary October 27, 2015 Just once, I wish you’d post something from one of the many people on this page who genuinely like you.
read more... SGDI ~ Pain, Disappointment, and Controversy! October 25, 2015 Tonight’s show, like much of my career, is a tribute to pain and humiliation,
read more... Fridays With Freddy: Bone Appetite October 23, 2015 This morning, here at the Biped’s hovel, a basket of treats arrived,
read more... NRA Meme ~ Image of Mass Confusion October 21, 2015 Mr. Rowe, I recently viewed a poster for the NRA on Facebook with your image with a statement
read more... Off The Wall: Man’s Man October 19, 2015 Hey Mike, The New York Times just published a 27-point guide on what it means to be a “Modern Man.”