Blogs / Articles

  • OFF THE WALL – Fan Mail Mixup April 24, 2014 Sadly, today’s letter comes from a former fan. “I called Mikes company to request an autograph for my son and the secretary (male) said, “Even if I knew his representative, I wouldn’t give you any information. * hangs up* MIKE, you just lost a family of fans. Next time, choose a better company. Katie Bremer Chen” Hi Katie This is indeed, troubling. Like you, I’ve ... read more...
  • War on Hard Work Continues April 22, 2014 It now appears we have a new culprit that explains the cause of global warming – hard work. Early this morning, one of San Francisco’s free newspapers found it’s way to the sidewalk in front of my apartment, proving yet again that you don’t always get what you pay for. Because I abhor litter, I picked it up for deposit it ... read more...
  • Mike Gives Dear Abby Advice to a Fan April 22, 2014 Saturday Mail Call Hey Mike! I’ve spent this last year trying to figure out the right career for myself and I still can’t figure out what to do. I have always been a hands on kind of guy and a go-getter. I could never be an office worker. I need change, excitement, and adventure in my life, but where the pay is ... read more...
  • Guess What? It’s National Lineman Appreciation Day April 18, 2014 Swear to God. Last year, the Senate passed Resolution 95, which officially designates April 18th as the day in which all sane and thoughtful Americans should pause to recognize both the profession and the individual contributions of linemen. Of course, the absurd thing about this Resolution, is that it only sets aside one day for said recognition. One day? Seriously? What are ... read more...
  • Navy SEALS Bearing Gifts! April 14, 2014 On any given day, you never know who is going to walk into mikeroweWORKS World Headquarters, or what they’re going to be holding. Here for instance, is Captain Duncan Smith of The Naval Special Warfare Recruiting Directorate. Captain Smith is a Navy SEAL. He stopped by the other day to present me with an official Navy Seal Flipper. It’s a very ... read more...
  • Mike in This Months “At Home in Berks” Magazine April 14, 2014 Mike wrote an article for the Home Builder Association of Berks magazine “At Home in Berks” about the worst advice he ever received. He explains why “Work Smart Not Hard” is such a dangerous concept, and why he believes “Work Smart AND Hard” is just the message our country needs to hear. Read an  online version of the article here. Support the ... read more...
  • Bookworm April 12, 2014 I hate to brag, especially about my performance in the bedroom. read more...
  • Mike Rowe has Breaking News April 9, 2014 This Just In… So I’m here in New York City, making some new friends at a Network Upfront. Upfronts are annual events hosted by broadcasters. read more...
  • We Need More Dam Workers April 8, 2014 One of the fun but annoying things about being me is the inability to read a simple headline without becoming immediately transported to a specific moment on Dirty Jobs. Here for instance, is an article about the men who maintain the Hoover Dam – one of the greatest engineering and architectural wonders of the modern era. Apparently, a big chunk ... read more...
  • Want to Know what Led to Dirty Jobs & the Destruction of my Prior Career? March 24, 2014 Dirty Jobs has been out of production for two years now, but not a day goes by that someone doesn’t ask me, “How did such a disgusting show ever get on the air?” Until now, that’s a question I’ve traditionally deflected. Partly because the answer involves a sewer, a rat, countless condoms, several million roaches, many hundreds of tampons, vomit, urine, ... read more...
  • OFF THE WALL: Regarding For Profit Technical Schools March 21, 2014 Today’s comment off the wall comes from David Brugh. “Mike – what’s your take on the Feds calling technical schools “for-profit” and claiming these schools are predatory? I think – and my teenagers, for whom your mikeroweworks campaign has really resonated – think this is bullcrap.” Hi David – I think your kids have summed it up nicely! Many technical schools are ... read more...
  • OFF THE WALL: Ottawa Shop Class Crisis March 21, 2014   Today’s Off the Wall comes from Shelby, and a few hundred others who posted similar comments about a situation in Illinois. Shelby says: “Quite a story brewing in small town Ottawa, Illinois after the high school board voted for raises for the administration then cut the building trades class. Students, parents and tradesman protest. 2 days in a row now. Local business ... read more...
  • Mike’s Birthday Voice-Over Session March 19, 2014 So I walked into a recording booth this morning to narrate the first episode of a new season of Deadliest Catch. read more...
  • PEOPLE MAGAZINE AND THE PASSING OF MRS. P March 14, 2014 Back in Community College, I had a journalism teacher named Paula Pumphrey. We called her Mrs. P, and she was fantastic. Once, I turned in a feature story that I felt was maybe the best thing I’d ever written. In particular, I thought my first sentence really sang… “On a misty morning in Southern Maryland, Mitchell Mycroft made a massive miscalculation ... read more...
  • There’s No Such Thing as Free Press February 24, 2014 I’m back. Three days of press, five hours of sleep, four bottles of wine, a speech, a job offer, 5,000 form letters, and a couple of good-natured death threats. All because of a commercial that I narrated about American manufacturing paid for by Walmart. Press tours are fun! Oscar Wilde said, “the only thing worse than people talking about you is ... read more...