What the Hand Does, the Mind Remembers (Ep. 254)
Last week in Las Vegas
Last week in Las Vegas
Somehow, in the chaos of the last few weeks, I neglected to post a video to last weeks excellent podcast with Bill Whittle, which has already been eclipsed this weeks excellent podcast with Robert Kiyosaki. Tomorrow, if all goes as planned, I’ll post a short video the current podcast, which is excellent, by the way, but for now, in the spirit of slamming the barn door after the horse has run out, here’s a short video of Bill and me, discussing the Gardens of Stone at Arlington, and the unsurpassed specialness of that place. Full episode https://bit.ly/TWIHI253 https://mikerowe.com/podcast/
After a long day spaying and neutering feral cats
This one feels different.
So, I’m walking down the street in uptown Charlotte when I notice my reflection in a window and conclude that I need a haircut. Coincidentally, the window is attached to a barbershop, where a sign says a man can get his hair cut for $35. Even though I’m here to film Dirty Jobs – a show that allows me to appear as disheveled as I usually am – there are other obligations on my calendar this week that require a more respectable coif. So, I walk inside, where a millennial named Allyssa invites me to take a seat. “Would you Read More
Been a while since we heard from him
One of the greatest gifts I ever received
Four years ago, I was invited to Hobbs, NM to participate in a “Distinguished Lecture Series,” wherein I discussed a few of my more memorable Dirty Jobs, and shared my take on the state of skilled labor in America. It’s not often the “dirty jobs guy” gets lumped in with a collection of “distinguished” speakers, but I was happy to address the good people of Hobbs, and delighted to drag them through the sewer that is my resume. Coincidentally, I was there on the same day the town was considering an ambitious proposal to get shop class back into their Read More
Before she was a Rowe, she was a Knobel
Saturday, May 7th, at 9PM
Mom’s written another book.
I can’t figure out if this is advertising
This week my guest is a carpenter
What the world needs now is a parody