WSJ: Debunking “Free College for all” August 10, 2016A very smart man named James Piereson has not only written an excellent article in The Wall St. Journal debunking a few of the many flaws in “free college for all,”
The Way I Heard It: The Orphan Hero August 6, 2016
Saturday Edition.
She was plucked from the streets and catapulted to fame.
Catch up on all The Way I Heard It episodes here.
Mike’s Facebook Page
Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown… August 5, 2016According to Dr. Derek, it was a tiny bit of bacteria that caused the problem. Somehow, it wormed it’s way under my crown and set up shop. There, it copulated with other bacteria, and soon thereafter, their demon spawn chewed away at the bond between the remains of my original tooth, and the man made enhancement which has protected it more...
Enjoyable & Non Political Q&A August 4, 2016A woman named Lisa who writes for Town Hall called my office and asked if I’d be willing to answer a few questions.
Off The Wall: The Gospel Truth August 2, 2016Barbara Pearlman Wells writes…Whether or not you support her candidacy, I wonder if you were pleased that Hillary Clinton specifically mentioned in her acceptance speech that we need training for skills and trades
Off The Wall: Call of Doodie July 31, 2016Hello Mr. Rowe. I’m not sure if you’ll ever read this but I just wanted to share my own “dirty job” with you.