Mike Puts Glenn Beck and C.R.A.P. Together October 31, 2013Here’s a super-special piece of C.R.A.P. (Collectibles Rare And Precious) that many have already suggested just might be priceless. Nevertheless, it’s for sale, RIGHT HERE, right now to the highest bidder. And I’m more than a little curious to see where it winds up.
As you can see, the C.R.A.P. in question is a “Work Smart AND Hard” poster, thoughtfully signed ...read more...
Is There a Zombie in Your House? October 31, 2013Psychologically, the journey from TV host to brain-dead zombie is a fairly short one. Physically, though, the transformation requires time, skill and a lot of hard work. I learned this firsthand from Toby Sells, a talented special-effects artist who turned me into a soulless corpse for an episode of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe back in 2007.
Toby plies his trade ...
Devil or Angel, Whichever You Are October 27, 2013Shannon K. Walsh wrote on The Real Mike Rowe Facebook page, ” Mike – How could you associate with such a horrible and psychotic person that is Glen Beck? I wouldn’t accept a dime off that hateful, nasty racist. Very disappointed to see this post.”
Well, hi there, Shannon – and a pleasant good morning to you too!
If you want a ...
Social Media Is Swell October 27, 2013Here’s an article that suggests I “hate” using social media. This is simply not true. I think social media is swell, and can’t for the life of me understand how anyone could conclude otherwise.
Reading the Phonebook Helps Close the Skills Gap October 22, 2013Behold, another dubious episode of C.R.A.P.
For reasons not entirely clear to me, over a hundred of you have said that you would listen to The Real Mike Rowe read the phonebook. Equally baffling, is my own irresistible urge to see if you really mean it. But even more incredible than that, is my request that you contribute a dollar to ...read more...
My Softer Side October 13, 2013A few months ago, a nice lady called and asked me if I’d like to be on the cover of Guideposts magazine. “Sure,” I said. “I love football.”
Attention, Cat People October 13, 2013To prove my fondness for felines, I’ve agreed to narrate a show called “Man, Cheetah, Wild.”
A Cat Called Waldorf October 11, 2013Here’s a cat called Waldorf. Waldorf is watching an episode of Planet Earth, which I narrated once upon a time.
Today in Beaverton … September 23, 2013When Mike Rowe the policeman appears in my email inbox it reminds me that a more responsible version of myself is out there.
The Voice in Your Head September 18, 2013Many of you say you hear my voice when you read things I’ve written. What do I hear when I read YOUR posts? This.
A Night to Remember September 15, 2013Writing about my own experience at the Emmys is difficult. But nonetheless, here I go.
Making of the Poster September 12, 2013
Mike Explains Further
In the long history of bad advice, you’d have look pretty hard to find something dumber than Work Smart Not Hard. It first appeared years ago as part of a recruitment campaign for college. It was bad advice then, but today, it’s just plain dangerous. Google Work Smart Not Hard and you’ll see just how far this idiotic ...read more...
On the Cover September 12, 2013It appears I’m on the cover of a magazine called Challenge, available now in a truck stop near you.