Blogs / Articles

  • I Don’t Golf May 14, 2014 I don’t golf. Nothing against it, I just never got into it. read more...
  • America Gets a “D” in Infrastructure May 13, 2014 Every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers issues an “Infrastructure Report Card.” This year we got a “D.” Again. It’s been this way since 1998. (Technically, this year was a “D+” but I never saw the value in assigning pluses or minuses. When I grew up, D’s had consequences that came in the form of extra chores. And ... read more...
  • Puppy Poop Bingo…and the Winner is May 12, 2014 As previously promised, the winner of Puppy Poop Bingo is entitled to a fabulous prize. Specifically, an 8×10 glossy of young Freddie, tastefully arranged into a modest collage, and printed out moments ago at the local Walgreens. As the attached photos attest, Freddie’s signature was not easy to obtain. However – though mangled and coated with slobber – I believe these ... read more...
  • Fast Facts Flashback: Mother’s Day May 12, 2014 Some of you have suggested that viewing this deeply humiliating piece of my distant past read more...
  • Mom still tries to clean me up May 11, 2014 And occasionally, shut me up. Here, she attempts to do both, knowing full-well she’ll succeed at neither. read more...
  • BuzzFeed on Puppy Poop Bingo May 10, 2014 BuzzFeed just published this story about the innovative way Mike named his new puppy: “Puppy Poop Bingo” read more...
  • Sidewalk Wisdom May 8, 2014 More profundity from the Sidewalks of San Francisco. read more...
  • Hey Mike – We’re Not Qualified for Your Scholarship May 8, 2014 Today’s “Hey Mike!” come from yesterdays post. Dallas Pierce writes… “Hey Mike – The problem is that people like me would love to take you up on your offer and learn a viable trade, but we aren’t qualified for your scholarship.” I hear you, Dallas. That is a problem. Also – many who are eligible are simply not geographically suitable for the ... read more...
  • Naked Mike Unauthorized Video May 7, 2014 The Naked Truth Question: If I were to form “The American Idol Scholarship Fund” and announce $15,000 of professional training for anyone who wished to become a pop star, how long do you think it would take to give away a million dollars? A day? An hour? A minute? What if I offered the same money to anyone who wanted to learn how ... read more...
  • Mike Writes About His Time In DC May 6, 2014 I’m typing in the back of a taxi just outside Logan Airport, headed to an event in Boston. DC was great, but I’m happy to be out of there. Lots of rain, lots of traffic, lots of gridlock – metaphorical and otherwise. The place always makes me feel 15 minutes late, even when I’m early. Congress was a kick, as always. I ... read more...
  • Mike Writes about DC and USASEF May 6, 2014 Well, that was fun! Two speeches, three panels, 7 interviews, hundreds of exhibitors, one robot, a truck from the future, my very own security team, a Swiss Ambassador, and 400,000 visitors. I’m pretty sure I met them all. Far as I’m concerned, STEM now means “Spectacular Turnout Enveloping Mike.” Not that I’m complaining. The mikeroweWORKS Pavilion was a big hit, and I’m ... read more...
  • Name That Dog May 3, 2014 Appears a puppy’s in my possession. If I had to guess, I’d say a terrier mix of some sort, maybe two months old. Yesterday he was homeless, today he’s not, and this morning we’re getting acquainted. All I know for sure is his teeth are sharp and he craps like a puma. He is also nameless, which I’m hoping one ... read more...
  • Hey Mike: I’m flying on a Jet Plane answering your Questions May 2, 2014 Flying back from Boston. My seat-mate thinks I’m the guy from the Maytag commercials, and I’ve been acting the part. I can only hope the new Maytag Guy is returning the favor on some other flight. Anyway, it seems an ideal time to answer some questions from The Wall in a fit of viewer engagement I like to call, “Hey ... read more...
  • Testifying before Congress Prep April 27, 2014 It’s late. I’m testifying before Congress tomorrow morning. In the spirit of responsible preparation, I’ve located a quiet corner in a Georgetown bar, liberated a bottle of grapes, and jotted down a few thoughts. I’ve just finished the first and last draft, and given myself two thumbs up. Tomorrow, I’ll lose the hat, don a tasteful blazer, and read my ... read more...
  • Busy Days in D.C. ~ From the Department of Defense to the Secretary of the Navy April 26, 2014   Friends – Busy days here in DC. Met some very important bureaucrats at The Department of Defense. Great guys actually, looking for a way to transition more soldiers into skilled occupations. I hope to help. Got a fantastic tour of the Pentagon. Saw the 9/11 Memorial. Stood at the point of impact. Dined in The Secretary of the Navy’s Executive Dining ... read more...