Blogs / Articles

  • Check out the new photos! June 5, 2014 Keep up on what Mike is doing – Somebody’s Gotta Do It and more. read more...
  • General Mills’ Generous Donation to the mikeroweWORKS Foundation June 2, 2014 I am not a spokesman for General Mills. Neither is my mother. But here at Mom’s place, this morning’s breakfast came in the form of a mixing bowl filled with “Oven Toasted Whole Grain Gluten Free Corn Chex,” courtesy of General Mills. (I’m not sure why all of a sudden people are taking the gluten out of everything edible, but ... read more...
  • Off The Wall: Quality Time with the Folks June 2, 2014 Josh Johnson writes, “Hey Mike – I love ya man. But really….put away the laptops at breakfast and spend some quality time with the folks that brought you into this world!” read more...
  • Asleep at the Heel ~ Mike’s Sprained Ankle May 31, 2014 If you’re bored, (and even if you’re not,) pour yourself a drink and scroll through the 20,000 comments that follow my previous post. read more...
  • Intestinal Mutiny “All Too Human” Revisited May 29, 2014 Hey Mike – You wrote something last March about almost crapping your pants on the Golden Gate Bridge. read more...
  • Mike’s Experience With Travis Mills May 27, 2014 Say hi to Retired Staff Sargent Travis Mills, formerly of the 82nd Airborne, US Army. As you can see, Travis has undergone a few structural modifications, most visibly in the leg department. Likewise, his left arm is more machine than flesh, and though his right arm appears to be around my waist, it really isn’t. Like the rest of his limbs, ... read more...
  • A Million Thanks to a Million Friends May 27, 2014 I have no idea where all you people are coming from, but I’m very glad you’re here. If this were another venue, I might burst out in a celebratory song. read more...
  • A Sign of the Times May 22, 2014 David Hebermehl writes, “Hey Mike – Myself and a bunch of other golf course superintendents in and around Louisville Kentucky are having a really hard time finding employees, especially if we have to use e-verify. I’ve tried all sorts of things. Nobody wants to work or work hard. Any ideas?” Hi David – The short – and somewhat self-absorbed answer is – yes. ... read more...
  • George Sutherland May 21, 2014 Fans of Dirty Jobs will remember George Sutherland. I met George back in ’08 on The Star of India. read more...
  • Freddie’s Dirty Job May 21, 2014 Today’s question comes form Diane Porterfield. Like a million others, she’s curious about young Freddie. read more...
  • Bay to Breakers May 19, 2014 Yesterday was San Francisco’s annual 12K footrace through town – the ever-popular, “Bay to Breakers.” read more...
  • Great Haircut that No One will see May 19, 2014 That’s Christine, hiding behind my head with a razor, removing a few rogue hairs from the back of my neck. read more...
  • Old Friend, New Baby May 16, 2014 Some of you might recall my old pal Meyer read more...
  • Happy Birthday Dani…Again May 15, 2014 Check out a couple of Facebook friends who snuck backstage at The Science Festival. Some of you might recall Evan – a thoughtful guy who requested an original birthday song for his girlfriend, Dani. Thanks to a few beers and a generous donation to the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, I complied. That was a year ago. So, unless the custom has changed, ... read more...
  • Who Needs Air Conditioning? May 15, 2014 Couple years ago I was standing on The Arctic Ocean, several miles off the shore of Greenland, slowly freezing to death. read more...