Blogs / Articles

  • OFF THE WALL: Regarding For Profit Technical Schools March 21, 2014 Today’s comment off the wall comes from David Brugh. “Mike – what’s your take on the Feds calling technical schools “for-profit” and claiming these schools are predatory? I think – and my teenagers, for whom your mikeroweworks campaign has really resonated – think this is bullcrap.” Hi David – I think your kids have summed it up nicely! Many technical schools are ... read more...
  • OFF THE WALL: Ottawa Shop Class Crisis March 21, 2014   Today’s Off the Wall comes from Shelby, and a few hundred others who posted similar comments about a situation in Illinois. Shelby says: “Quite a story brewing in small town Ottawa, Illinois after the high school board voted for raises for the administration then cut the building trades class. Students, parents and tradesman protest. 2 days in a row now. Local business ... read more...
  • Mike’s Birthday Voice-Over Session March 19, 2014 So I walked into a recording booth this morning to narrate the first episode of a new season of Deadliest Catch. read more...
  • PEOPLE MAGAZINE AND THE PASSING OF MRS. P March 14, 2014 Back in Community College, I had a journalism teacher named Paula Pumphrey. We called her Mrs. P, and she was fantastic. Once, I turned in a feature story that I felt was maybe the best thing I’d ever written. In particular, I thought my first sentence really sang… “On a misty morning in Southern Maryland, Mitchell Mycroft made a massive miscalculation ... read more...
  • There’s No Such Thing as Free Press February 24, 2014 I’m back. Three days of press, five hours of sleep, four bottles of wine, a speech, a job offer, 5,000 form letters, and a couple of good-natured death threats. All because of a commercial that I narrated about American manufacturing paid for by Walmart. Press tours are fun! Oscar Wilde said, “the only thing worse than people talking about you is ... read more...
  • Take Heart! February 17, 2014 After a lot of careful reflection regarding the 7 million page views and 20,000 comments over the last few days, I’ve decided to provide a link to something that has nothing to do with Walmart, capitalism, socialism, unions, right-to-work, income distribution, liberals, low prices, low wages, skilled labor, welfare, conservatives, rich people, poor people, public relations, off-shoring, on-shoring, minimum wage, ... read more...
  • Mike Rowe’s Response to Facebook Comments on Walmart Commercial Voiceover February 14, 2014 Here is post #1 of 3 on Facebook regarding the Facebook response to Mike’s Walmart voiceover commercial, February 9, 2014 Last night during the Olympics, a commercial started running called “I Am a Factory.” It’s part of a larger campaign sponsored by Walmart, called “Work is a Beautiful Thing.” The commercial features real people doing real work in real factories all ... read more...
  • Clean-Up In Aisle Four! February 12, 2014 This whole Walmart thing. Wow. Just…wow. If you’re just tuning in, here’s a brief timeline. – Last week, I did the voiceover for a commercial that announced Walmart’s commitment to purchase 250 billion dollars of American made goods and put them onto their shelves. – This Saturday, the commercial ran during The Olympics, and people started talking. Some of the talk wasn’t very ... read more...
  • I Like Cops February 11, 2014 I like cops. Always have. And as far as I know, they like me. Couple years ago, I was invited to host the annual Medal of Valor ceremony in Los Angeles. There, 21 of LA’s finest were awarded the highest accommodation a police officer can receive. My job that day was to read the details of 21 meritorious acts into the ... read more...
  • DUCK!!! January 3, 2014 So I was walking around the streets of San Francisco this morning, enjoying a cup of organically roasted, free-trade coffee from an independent, minority-owned establishment run by some immigrants whose legal status is completely irrelevant, when an elderly woman asked me out of the blue how Phil Robertson was holding up with all the drama around Duck Dynasty. “Pretty good,” I ... read more...
  • Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad December 16, 2013 John and Peggy Rowe have been married for exactly 53 years. If you ask them how they did it, you’ll learn their commitment to the truth did not extend to their children. read more...
  • Mike Rowe Responds to TedWeekends Comments on Huffington Post December 12, 2013 Last weekend Huffington Post posted Mike Rowe’s Ted Talk in their Ted Weekends series online and hundreds of comments poured in on the site. Mike Rowe responded to some of the comments and a few appeared underneath the Ted Talk on the Huffington Post site. There were a few more comments and responses from Mike’s fans that we thought should ... read more...
  • Innovation & Technology Today Q&A with Mike Rowe December 5, 2013 Read the article – HERE read more...
  • Deadliest Catch’s Johnathan Hillstrand offers his kids’s books & Mike gives the coat off his back for C.R.A.P. November 22, 2013 Another big day in the wide, wide world of C.R.A.P. (Collectibles Rare And Precious). My good friend Johnathan Hillstrand of Deadliest Catch — captain of the F/V Time Bandit and lover of motorcycles, broncos and women (he’s been thrown from all three) — has written a book: “Crab boat captain turned children’s book author” Three books, in fact: The Adventures of Little ... read more...
  • The Diploma Dilemma November 20, 2013 “So I’m in DC, preparing to discuss a litany of critical issues far beyond my pay grade with a bunch of experts much smarter and better-dressed than me. What could possibly go wrong?” How can we make the future brighter and improve well-being for everyone? On November 20th at 7:00pm est, the Charles Koch Institute hosting a conversation on the challenges students. Tweet ... read more...