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I’ve agreed to “Trump” myself & move Somebody’s Gotta Do It May 13, 2016 As you may have noticed, there’s an election going on, and every cable news network on the planet has taken a solemn vow to mention Donald J. Trump.
read more... Off The Wall: Designated Hitter May 12, 2016 A great baseball player should be able to hit, run, throw, and play his position competently.
read more... Mike visits Armstrong & Getty May 11, 2016
Mike joined Armstrong and Getty this morning – have a listen.
KGO Radio – Armstrong & Getty
read more... Psst…Wanna Buy a Used Bathrobe for $7,000? May 9, 2016 Morning. I’m happy to report that my C.R.A.P. auctions, (Collectibles Rare And Precious,) continue to push the bounds of good taste
read more... Brand Friendly May 8, 2016 Last week on the phone, my Mother was bringing me up to speed on the Erma Bombeck conference she recently attended in Dayton, Ohio.
read more... The Way I Heard It: Breaking the Silence May 8, 2016 In other news, my robe is for sale…
read more... Tim Ferriss: The Importance of Being Dirty: Lessons from Mike Rowe May 6, 2016 Mike Rowe (@mikeroweworks) is perhaps the best storyteller and pitchman I’ve ever had on the show.
read more... Fridays With Freddy: Happy “Naming Day” May 6, 2016 I heard The Biped tell a nosy neighbor I was two years old today.
read more... Hot Under The Blue Collar, Part 4 May 6, 2016 So that article on Forbes started quite a few conversations, none of which I can participate in at the moment.
read more... The Tom Roten Morning Show: Mike on College Tuition May 5, 2016 Listen to Mike and Tom Roten discuss the myth that everyone needs a college degree!
read more... May The Fourth Be With You May 4, 2016 Thank you Theresa Ann Isaacs, for turning my first sip of coffee into a two-minute coughing spasm
read more... The Dom Giordano Program: VP & “The Way I Heard It” May 3, 2016 Mike joined discussing his possible VP nod, his definition for hard work and his Podcast “The Way I Heard It.”
read more... The Way I Heard It: Sorry, Wrong Number May 3, 2016 People often ask me to describe my dirtiest job, and thanks to a truly filthy resume
read more... FORBES: Dispelling 5 Damaging Myths About Blue Collar Labor May 2, 2016 In the spirit of rewarding articles I’d like to encourage in the mainstream – may I direct your attention to this?
read more... What Joke Best Reflects Your Sense of Humor? May 2, 2016 In 1986, Peter Davies was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from Louisiana State University.