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Happy Father’s Day to a man who continues to hit his mark June 19, 2016 That’s my Dad, seconds away from unmasking the killer in another Agatha Christie thriller. This one’s called “Zero Hour,”
read more... The Way I Heard It: The One Hit Wonder June 18, 2016
Sometimes, you just have to let the hotel art wash over you…
Mike’s Facebook Page
read more... Fridays With Freddy: The Man in the Brown Shirt June 17, 2016 June 17th, 2016. Mark the date, for on this day I’m making a resolution.
read more... Last Night in Baltimore June 15, 2016 In a world with few new ideas, packed with people who all desire the same basic things
read more... Dirty Talk with Mike Rowe ~ Sept. 24th! June 14, 2016 Once upon a time, (not sure exactly when,) I was lowered from the rafters of The Lyric Opera House dressed as Michael The Archangel.
read more... Yes, I was hacked & the best headline ever June 14, 2016 I was hacked. It’s happened before, usually after a post goes viral, which yesterday’s did.
read more... Look for the Helpers June 12, 2016 I’m on a plane now, headed back to Baltimore, watching this nightmare unfold on the seat-back in front of me.
read more... Dirty Talk with Mike Rowe in Baltimore! June 11, 2016
•Saturday, September 24th at 8:00 PM at the Lyric Theater in Baltimore.
•General public tickets available now at Ticketmaster
To receive news on these and future events go to:
read more... The Way I Heard It: The Long Shot June 11, 2016
You can find all the episodes of The Way I Heard It – HERE.
Mike’s Facebook Page
read more... Fridays With Freddy: Am I Being Played? June 10, 2016 I confess, the profile picture was enough to inspire a meeting,
read more... RedState: Stupid Platitudes, Presidential Runs, and How Following Your Passion Is Dumb June 10, 2016 Recently Mike was interviewed by Brandon Morse of
read more... Electrical Co-ops ~ Keeping the lights on June 9, 2016 The country is full of electrical co-ops. These are the power companies you’ve never heard of.
read more... Hot Under The Blue Collar #6 June 7, 2016 Here’s a headline from The New York Post that oughta win some sort of award. “The Solution to NYC’s Man Drought? Date Down.”
read more... Commencement Address for Prager U June 6, 2016 I was flattered when he invited me to give this years commencement address for Prager University.
read more... Fridays With Freddy: National Donut Day June 4, 2016 It’s National Donut Day. I had no idea bipeds at large celebrated such an occasion