Dear Mike
I saw a story today about the increased value of Precious Moments figurines.
My late grandmother collected these things, and told me that you were fired from QVC for making fun of them. Is that true? If so, what was the name of the figurine that led to your demise? (Later today, I’m going to root through her collection to see if I’m rich.)
Liz Eastman
Hi Liz
While it’s true I was dismissed from QVC on several occasions for “inappropriate interaction” with a variety of products, I was never fired over a Precious Moment. I did however, receive a stern warning back in 1991, for my comments on Item #C-5624 – better known as “Love Lifted Me.” In fact, it was the last thirty seconds of the attached video that prompted someone at the Precious Moments company to tell my boss at QVC to “kindly keep our products away from Mr. Rowe.”
I still consider that to be one of the greatest compliments ever given me.
Anyway, if you find a figurine in your late grandmother’s collection (my condolences, by the way,) called “Love Lifted Me,” I’d be happy to purchase it. For sentimental reasons…