“You say you run a non-partisan foundation, and you say you’re not a political animal. I say baloney. Every time I turn around I see you on Fox News, plugging your new show or mouthing off about the American worker or some other topic you don’t know anything about. If you’re were really objective, how come I don’t see you on more liberal networks?”
Simon Price
Hi there, Simon
I guess you’re not entirely wrong. I have spent a fair amount of time over the years promoting TV shows and “mouthing off about the American worker.” But I’m afraid your criticism is diminished a bit by your juxtaposition of my alleged lack of expertise, with my alleged lack of objectivity. In other words, are you disappointed that I promote my shows and mouth off about the American worker on Fox, or do you want me to start promoting my shows and mouthing off about the American worker on a network more to your liking?
Don’t ponder too heavily – the question is rhetorical. But this one is not. Tell me – what networks do you think I’m deliberately ignoring?
If you look around, Simon, you’ll see that I’ve appeared multiple times on NPR and PBS, along with dozens of news shows on every major network. I’ve been on Real Time and Good Morning America, The Today Show and CBS This Morning. I actually worked for a CBS news affiliate, I was the voice of ABC World News, and I had my own show on CNN for the better part of two years! Sure – I go on Fox News whenever they invite me. Why wouldn’t I? In fact, I’m going back later this week. And if CNN invites me back, I’ll go there, too. Do you really think I care about the politics of the people who watch my show or support my foundation? Do you really think I care about the politics of the people who invite me on to chat about what matters most to me?
Yesterday, I appeared on MSNBC for a nice chat with Chuck Todd about closing the skills gap. (I can’t believe you missed it!) In return, Chuck mentioned my foundation in his intro, as well as Returning the Favor – a very kind plug which was inexplicably excluded from the clip on their website. (I’m sharing our conversation anyway because deep down, I know that MSNBC loves my show – I just know it!)
Anyway, that’s neither here nor there. Your mission, Simon, is to watch this video and tell me what I got wrong about the American worker. Or, if you’d like a respite from the strum and drang of national politics, watch this weeks episode of Returning The Favor, and meet the next generation of skilled tradeswomen. Do this, Simon, and ye shall be restored.
Carry on –