This morning, at exactly 7 AM Peoria time, something soft and furry landed on my face and begin to scream like a hungry baby.
As wake up calls go, this one was pretty effective, partly because I wasn’t expecting it, and partly because I had no idea the thing on my face was a cat. Which is why I screamed in return, threw the thing off my head, and dove headfirst out of my princess bed.
Let me back up.
As some of you know, yesterday was my birthday. I was working in Chicago, and hustling to catch a flight to Peoria, where I have another shoot this morning with Caterpillar.
Several interesting things happened upon my arrival. First of all, my friends at Cat surprised me with a splendid party at Jimmy’s, a fine local joint I can now recommend without reservation. Then, I learned that all the hotels were booked on account of a big basketball tournament, and there were no rooms available in town. Happily a local family was leaving for vacation, and volunteered their home.
The Deals have three daughters, who judging from their photos, appear to be between the ages of nine and 15. I had my pick of their bedrooms, so when we arrived at their home late last night, I sampled each bed, briefly.
Alexandria’s was comfortable, but a little too soft for my taste.
Lillian’s was just a little too hard.
But Julianna’s was just right.
So, in spite of the canopy and the princess motif, I climbed in and immediately passed out.
I suspect I’d still be sleeping if the aforementioned puma hadn’t introduced itself in such a familiar fashion, but the adrenaline now coursing through my veins has made any possibility of additional slumber a dream.
So I am now in search of coffee, here in the House of Deal, on guard for any future surprises…