Ashlynn Brown Writes,
“A lot of my friends and I recorded your show and watched later.”
Hi Aslynn,
Good question. As you can imagine, mine is a hectic schedule as well. Between the eternal doorbell and the near constant opportunity to lick myself with impunity, I have little time in the average day for “appointment viewing” – even for programs which include my bipeds name in the title.
Last Wednesday for instance, just as his latest opus debuted, I found myself preoccupied with a baby lamb that required a complete and total disembowelment. Naturally, this is not the kind of task you can abandon halfway through, and thankfully, when 9 pm rolled around, I wasn’t forced to choose. Thanks to the miracle of my DVR, I was able to complete the task at hand before watching His Majesty hold forth from a garbage scow several hours later. Free from distraction, I was able to focus entirely on my human butler, brought to life in stunning HD resolution, and remain mostly conscious throughout the entire hour. Oh, Happy Day!
As for getting credit in the Neilsen Ratings, all I can tell you about time shifting is what I’ve overheard – “Live + 3.”
I assume this means that viewers who watch the show within three days of its premiere are counted later and included in the final number. (Or maybe its within three hours? Or three weeks?) Regardless, I have no idea how this question impacts me, my food source, or my ability to howl at the moon for no good reason. Indeed, this topic is relatively tedious, and not
nearly as interesting as the stuffed monkey I plan to violate when I finish my Judge Judy marathon.