Alex Strachan of The Province talked to Mike about his new show “Somebody’s Gotta Do It” that will air on CNN this fall.
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — It’s not that Mike Rowe got too old to do Dirty Jobs — even though he is 52, and he did, by his own estimation, do more than 200 hours of everything from scavenge bat caves for guano in the series’ 2003 opener to, more recently, dry out cow bladders and paint them to be Mardi Gras party pinatas.
It’s just that for his new program Somebody’s Gotta Do It, coming this fall to CNN, Rowe was intrigued by the idea of criss-crossing the continental U.S., looking for unique people whose passions range from eccentric inventions to harmless obsessions.
Read the complete article – HERE.