Dude – I’ve seen you do some very weird, very random things over the years, but last night, you turned “Up On the Roof” into “The Rocksucker” song, and I must say, I’ve never seen anything like it. “On the roof it ain’t about the pay, caulkin’ holes and suckin’ rock all day!” Ha! Are you kidding me? I’ve been singing that line all day. Please tell me there’s a full-length version somewhere!
Don Burkhead
Hi Don – The minute I got to the top of that ladder, I started humming that old Drifters tune, and by the end of the day, I had worked out a new set of lyrics. I’m not proud of the result, but neither am I ashamed. Mostly, as with the majority of what you see on Dirty Jobs, I was just trying to amuse myself. Here’s the full-length sing-along version. Do with it what you will…
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