Couple weeks ago, under circumstances too weird to explain, John Rich and I decided to record a song for Christmas. America’s not having a great time right now, and we thought a song like this might help put a smile on our collective face. It’s called Santa’s Gotta Dirty Job, and I’ll warn you right now – the chorus is an earworm that’s gonna be tough to shake. It’s a fun little ditty that you can download for $1.29, and I hope you will, because 100% of the net proceeds are divided equally between mikeroweWORKS and Folds of Honor, two great charities that are making a difference in the lives of skilled tradespeople and families of veterans. The attached music video, (minus my blather,) will be available next week. I just wanted you guys to see it here, first. As for the song itself, it’s downloadable right now. https://apple.co/3nPwpeR
Rock on, Santa! And Happy Thanksgiving.
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