Few quick things, on a rainy morning in Charlotte. First of all, say hello to Rachel.
Rachel is a little freaked out. A few minutes ago she was walking through the Charlotte airport listening to my podcast. Then she bumped in to me. Literally.
It’s a very strange sensation to bump into someone in real life at the precise moment you’re listening to them in your headphones. The brain doesn’t quite know what to do. And so you do the only thing you can – you ask for a photo to commemorate this odd form of singularity, and pose for one in return. My hope, is that Rachel will see us in her newsfeed later today, ideally, while she’s listening to my latest short story. That would be hysterical, as well as disturbing.
As for the story itself, this one nearly broke me, but I finally found a connection I could run with. At base, it’s about the power of a handshake. Hope you like it, even if we don’t collide while you’re listening… http://www.podtrac.com/…/t…/Episode_119_They_Shook_On_It.mp3
Secondly, I want to thank everyone who bid in such dramatic fashion for The Chairman of the Board – especially Nelda Sue Yaw, who wrote a very generous check to the mikeroweWORKS Foundation for $12,200. (Honestly, if I’d known my cock would fetch such a pretty penny, I’d have offered him up a long time ago.) Thank you, Nelda, sincerely. Every penny will go toward our work ethic scholarship program. Meanwhile, The Chairman of the Board is on his way to you, along with an autographed copy of my mother’s book. Please enjoy the latter, and make sure the former is hung well.
Finally, many of you are wondering how I managed to appear on the local news three days ago in Boston, Los Angeles, Denver, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, Tampa, Baltimore, San Francisco, Dallas, Nashville, Pittsburg, Phoenix, Des Moines, Las Vegas, Madison, Boise, San Diego, Kansas City, Richmond, and Detroit. The answer is what’s called a Satellite Media Tour, which is a very glamorous way to describe the mind-numbing business of sitting in a closet for three hours and staring into the same camera, as disembodied voices ask you same questions over and over and over again. It’s a very efficient way to promote the new season of Returning the Favor, which I was happy to do.
But I think if I did it two days in a row, I’d develop a tic.
Have a great weekend.