So we’ve been cobbling together a few of those “Micro-Editions” of Returning the Favor, while we’re out in the field shooting new, full-length episodes. Some people love ’em. Others however, are deeply concerned that the format has changed.
Rest easy, friends. When Season Two officially premieres – probably in late February – we’ll return to the three-act format to which you’ve become accustomed, and all will be right with the world. In the meantime, please enjoy these mini-favors. They still feature an outstanding line-up of above-average Americans doing all sorts of very nice things, and while the favors are less ambitious, (and my own presence more virtual,) the recipients are no less deserving. This guy for instance – John Middleswarth – is the kind of person every sane citizen would love to have as a neighbor. Give him a look, and tell me if you agree.
And Happy New Year!