How to Pay it Forward by Returning the Favor

Friends –

If you haven’t heard, (and even if you have,) Facebook is getting into the content game, and I’m involved. The new show is called Returning the Favor, and like most everything I’ve done historically, I’m relying on viewers to help me program the show. In other words, Help!

The concept is aggressively simple – find people who are doing something decent in their community, and do something decent for them – something that allows them to do more of whatever it is they’re already doing. In other words, we’re looking for ways to help more Bloody-Do-Gooders do more bloody good.

So, if you know of someone slightly better than average – someone determined to make the world a less divisive, more inhabitable, or slightly improved place – tell me about them here.

And please, hurry. Producers and executives, desperate for new and exciting content, are perusing this page with boundless optimism.

Much obliged –


Mike’s Facebook Page