Off The Wall: Never Assume, Apply for a Work Ethic Scholarship

Hi Mike -‎ While assuming is always rife with danger, I think it’s probably safe to assume that your foundation is primarily seeking to attract, train and place younger people in the many positions that are not only vital to civilization, but constantly being vacated by older workers wanting to retire. I’m curious, though, if you see—in your day-to-day interactions with the groups and companies that you work with—many older folks (like myself, rapidly approaching 50), who are either jobless through no fault of their own, or are desperate to break out of the hum-drum of office work and get their hands…dirty. Rolf

Hi Rolf

You are correct on all counts.

It’s dangerous to assume.

The majority of people applying for mikeroweWORKS Scholarships are millennials.

I routinely meet Generation X’ers and Baby Boomers who would love to hit the reset button, but are usually too scared to do so. Consequently, fewer apply than would probably like to, which is a shame.

I no longer offer much in the way of advice, because frankly, I’m afraid people will take it. Everyone’s circumstances are different, and the truth is, there is very little I can offer that applies equally to everyone. However, regardless of your age, or your past, I can unreservedly recommend you apply for a Work Ethic Scholarship, if you are indeed willing to learn a skill that’s actually in demand. I hope to give away about $500,000 starting next week, for those who qualify. Please feel free to apply.


Also, without reservation, I can in good conscious recommend the latest episode of The Way I Heard It. It’s completely free, and listening requires neither money nor work ethic…

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