It’s always a bit unsettling to find myself in a meme, especially when it pops up in my own newsfeed. Over the holidays, I saw one with my head attached to the body of a much fitter man, along with a quote about the benefits of vigorous exercise that I had no recollection of uttering. Inspiring, but fundamentally false. This one, however, is legit. That’s really me, sitting in my actual kitchen, with my serious face on. The words are actually mine, as is the face, which is attached to a head that truly belongs to me. Even the hat is legit. But that’s not why I’m sharing this meme. I’m sharing it, because I know the sentiment is shared by many. This week, I’ve heard from thousands of fellow Californians who agree that we can no longer vote for people simply because they have a “D “or an “R” next to their name. That isn’t working. We can no longer stare into the face of hypocrisy and incompetence and remain silent. If we want to attract a better crop of leaders, we have to start by holding the ones we have accountable. Otherwise, we’re only going to get more of the same. If you agree, or even if you just like my hat, pass it on…
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