After 65 years of writing every single day, my mother – at 84 years of age – has lived to see her hard work pay off, and her lifelong dream come true – a dream of becoming a #1 New York Times Bestseller!
I can’t begin to tell you what a great day this is for my mom. I couldn’t be more proud, or more grateful to those of you on this page who have supported her writing over the years. Vacuuming in the Nude: And Other Ways to Get Attention, is the best thing she’s ever written, and to see her now in the top spot is a testament to her persistence, hard work, and talent.
Now it is true, The New York Times currently has her listed at #11. But clearly, there has been some sort of mistake. According to Bookscan – the undisputed, unbiased, completely apolitical service that tracks the total number of books sold every week – Vacuuming in the Nude: And Other Ways to Get Attention, sold more copies than every other book on this list.
Weird, right?
It’s probably just a misprint, but it’s not the only one. Almost none of the titles on this list of best sellers are listed in the order that reflects their actual sales during the week in question. Based on actual sales, “I’m Glad Your Mom is Dead” is actually #3, not #1. Crying in the Heart, currently listed at #3, is actually #8. What We Owe the Future, currently listed at #7, is actually #2. And Vacuuming in the Nude, by Peggy Rowe, currently listed at #11, is actually #1, with over 14,600 sales.
No disrespect to The Times, but the numbers don’t lie. And Peggy Rowe, as you can plainly see, the #1 New York Times bestseller. It says so right there, in red Sharpie. Unless a bestseller no longer means what I think it means.
Hallelujah, Amen.