Mr. Rowe – Do you have a crystal ball? I only ask, because the lyrics in your whiskey song foretold a reality in our present-day economy best described as…prescient. I refer specifically to these two stanzas, now playing remorselessly in my mind.
“Offshore the cargo ships are stuck
On the highways no more trucks
At the gas pump prices suck
It’s a transportation jack-job.
Inflations high and all around
The infrastructures falling down
Lockdowns loom in every town
And they wonder why we drink!”
Your song is a ballad for the ages. A supply-chain lament, as it were. You should, if I may be so bold, make this earworm available on for purchase on iTunes, as a fundraiser for your excellent foundation. It worked for Santa’s Gotta Dirty Job…why not for The Knobelman?
Ty Sherman
P.S. The whiskey is excellent, by the way. When will more be made available?
Hi Ty
I didn’t need a crystal ball to see what was coming when I wrote those lyrics. The crumbling infrastructure, the crippled supply-chain, inflation, the cost of gas – all of it was already impacting my ability to bottle and ship my grandfather’s whisky in a timely fashion. And so, with a day off and nothing better to do, I changed the words to The Wellerman – an ancient sea shanty that’s been stuck in my head for years – and made a music video to express my frustration. Glad you like it.
It didn’t occur to me to sell downloads, since the song is really just an elaborate commercial. But, you never know. So then, if you want The Knobelman on your playlist, you can download it here for 99 cents. https://apple.co/3OEtalp Like the whiskey, net proceeds benefit the mikeroweWORKS Foundation. Or, you could probably figure out a way to rip it from the YouTube video for free. https://bit.ly/3OWJwFY I won’t be offended. Either way, a limited number of bottles are currently available at knobelspirits.com. First come first served…
Carry on,