Hey Mike! Where you been? What are you doing? How can I get an autographed copy of your excellent book? Everyone on my Christmas list is getting one. Calvin James
Hi Calvin. Been in New York City. Hawking the book, making new friends, celebrating Veterans Day, and discussing my misspent career with several dozen radio stations in the reddest room ever. Flying back now. There are a few autographed copies left at mikerowe.com/book. Maybe two dozen. Additionally, as of today, 8:40 pm, EST, they’re currently a dozen copies at Hudson Booksellers in Newark Airport. Six in Terminal A, six in terminal B. (What else does one do, when one arrives early
at the airport for the first time in ages?)
The remaining signed copies have been claimed, to my grateful relief, by the thousand or so folks who sold out the next two appearances in Atlanta and Indianapolis. See you guys shortly!