I have a lot to be grateful for today, but no desire to drag anyone through the depths of my appreciation. I will however, mention a few things filling me with gratitude at this particular moment.
1. Several hours ago, my Dad turned 86. Please join me in wishing him many happy returns. At an age when most people do little but misplace the remote and watch reruns of Murder She Wrote, John Rowe still volunteers at the local hospital, delivers weekly Meals on Wheels, acts in community theater, and walks three miles every day, rain or shine. He’s my hero.
2. Several hours ago, my Mom became a New York Times Best Selling Author. Please join me in congratulating her for doing something she’s always wanted to do. At an age where most people do little but search for the remote to better enjoy the next rerun of Murder She Wrote, Peggy Rowe has proven it’s never too late to reach for the unreachable star. She’s my inspiration.
I also appreciate everyone at mikeroweWORKS, sincerely, along with each and every one of you. (Including those of you who diligently correct my spelling, grammar, and syntax.)
Please have a terrific Thanksgiving, all of you. Take small bites. Chew slowly. And remember what’s important.
PS. Thanks to Robbie Quinn for the photos.
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