Two-hundred forty two years ago, we fought a war for independence. Happily, we won, and today, our constitutional republic is still the envy of billions. But just because we won the war, doesn’t mean we’re truly independent. We still come into this world just as we did back in 1776 – weak, powerless, and vulnerable – utterly reliant upon human kindness. And of course, most of us will leave this world in much the same way, completely dependent upon the decency of others.
This week, it’s my privilege to introduce two women who know that without kindness, absolute freedom can be a cold and lonely place. On a modest farm in Ohio, they teach needy kids about the importance of things like work ethic, sacrifice, and delayed gratification. In other words, Deb and Cathy are teaching independence, at a farm called On the Rise. And it’s working.
Something to consider, as we celebrate another year of freedom from the Brits.
Enjoy, and Happy Independence Day.