It was an excellent day to ride horses in Carmel Valley. I met an Olympic hopeful named Lauren Billys, and learned the art of Dressage – a french term that loosely translated means “We who about to die salute you!”
Lauren’s one of the finest riders I’ve ever seen. She enjoys what appears to be a thought-guided relationship with horses, and can make them do things a ballerino would envy. She also had the good sense to pair me up with a series of steeds that matched my experience and natural ability.
We began on an ancient Hobby Horse With No Name, and slowly progressed to something slightly smaller, but much more alive. Eventually, I was allowed to mount a thoroughbred named Comanche who tolerated me for most of the afternoon, and had the good manners to not throw me into the dirt.
All in all, a good day in the saddle, and another fine reason to wear a helmet. Honestly, my life has become an homage to all manner of head protection. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.