Chuck lives in LA, and apparently, has found his way past my crack security team and into my office. He also seems to have located the most recent Bobblehead of yours truly, and taken it upon himself to present it as this weeks official piece of C.R.A.P., (Collectibles, Rare And Precious.)
As you’ll see in the attached video, it’s #5 of 100, handmade and hand-painted right here in the USA. On this weeks episode of SGDI, you’ll see just what a pain in the ass that was to facilitate. For now though, it can all be yours for whatever the winning bid happens to be. Go here to bid, and kindly remember that every cent raised goes to fund Work Ethic Scholarships from the mikeroweWORKS Foundation.
(No Chuck, you’re not eligible to apply. Though your initiative is borderline impressive.)
Thank you all. As always, bid high and irresponsibly.
PS. We’ve extended the deadline for Work Ethic Scholarships, leading me to ask the question – why is so hard to give away $400,000..