Blogs / Articles

  • Touring MTI May 25, 2013 So I was in Springfield (Illinois) yesterday, and took a tour of a trade school called MTI. These guys have an 85% job placement rate and I wanted to see what they were all about. read more...
  • MTI and Mike Rowe Putting Faces to the mikeroweWORKS Scholarship Project May 25, 2013 So I was in Springfield (Illinois) yesterday, and took a tour of a trade school called MTI. These guys have something like an 85% job placement rate for graduates, and I wanted to see what they were all about. I’m glad I did. Halfway through the tour, a group of guys approached me to say thanks. I didn’t know what they were ... read more...
  • Happy Birthday, Dani May 13, 2013 Apologies in advance to all serious musicians. read more...
  • (Way) Before Dirty Jobs May 12, 2013 Everything in the picture is real. Though virtually nothing is genuine. read more...
  • That Jay Leno May 6, 2013 Anybody see Leno the other night? read more...
  • Snot, Shows and Closets May 6, 2013 In this week’s mail call, I address everything from having an independent TV show to “5 minutes in the closet.” read more...
  • Insulated May 2, 2013 I came to NOLA for a few days to work on a project with Ford, and stopped by a few work sites to say hello and slow things down. read more...
  • Where Am I? May 1, 2013 I’m out of town … Can you guess where? read more...
  • Take Another Guess May 1, 2013 Here’s another hint … where am I? read more...
  • Am I Wearing Underwear? April 25, 2013 Today’s random Q&A was inspired by this photo, which drew many thoughtful queries … including whether I’m wearing underwear. read more...
  • Australia’s NOVA FM Live Radio: Mike Rowe Talks Dirty April 24, 2013 Mike joined Nathan, Nat and Shaun to chat about the new series Dirty Jobs Down Under in Australia. After the guys got over how sexy his voice is, he went in to detail about the dirtiest job he’s ever done, and asked if he’s ever said “NO” to a dirty job. Listen to the interview HERE read more...
  • Used Underpants: Closing the Skills Gap April 22, 2013 Well, my signed underpants have been purchased for nearly $1,100. Suffice it to say, they are thrilled, and I am humbled. read more...
  • The Real Poop from Down Under April 18, 2013 So I’m hanging out on the discount rack of this trendy boutique in Sydney, chatting with the hosiery and feeling sorry for myself. Sure, I might look like fine silk, but really, I’m just another swatch of polyester, transformed by some anonymous Chinese worker into a medium-sized pair of novelty underpants, emblazoned with the Australian flag, and shipped off to ... read more...
  • Getting Behind My Master April 18, 2013 So I’m hanging out on the discount rack of this trendy boutique in Sydney, chatting with the hosiery and feeling sorry for myself, when this big American shows up … read more...
  • The Narrator’s Burden April 16, 2013 I am walking around with eight weeks of highly confidential information that I am simply not at liberty to share. Such is the burden of a narrator … read more...