A Million Thanks to a Million Friends May 27, 2014I have no idea where all you people are coming from, but I’m very glad you’re here. If this were another venue, I might burst out in a celebratory song.
A Sign of the Times May 22, 2014David Hebermehl writes,
“Hey Mike –
Myself and a bunch of other golf course superintendents in and around Louisville Kentucky are having a really hard time finding employees, especially if we have to use e-verify. I’ve tried all sorts of things. Nobody wants to work or work hard. Any ideas?”
Hi David – The short – and somewhat self-absorbed answer is – yes. ...read more...
George Sutherland May 21, 2014Fans of Dirty Jobs will remember George Sutherland. I met George back in ’08 on The Star of India.
Freddie’s Dirty Job May 21, 2014Today’s question comes form Diane Porterfield. Like a million others, she’s curious about young Freddie.
Bay to Breakers May 19, 2014Yesterday was San Francisco’s annual 12K footrace through town – the ever-popular, “Bay to Breakers.”
Happy Birthday Dani…Again May 15, 2014Check out a couple of Facebook friends who snuck backstage at The Science Festival. Some of you might recall Evan – a thoughtful guy who requested an original birthday song for his girlfriend, Dani. Thanks to a few beers and a generous donation to the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, I complied. That was a year ago. So, unless the custom has changed, ...read more...
Who Needs Air Conditioning? May 15, 2014Couple years ago I was standing on The Arctic Ocean, several miles off the shore of Greenland, slowly freezing to death.
I Don’t Golf May 14, 2014I don’t golf. Nothing against it, I just never got into it.
America Gets a “D” in Infrastructure May 13, 2014Every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers issues an “Infrastructure Report Card.” This year we got a “D.” Again. It’s been this way since 1998. (Technically, this year was a “D+” but I never saw the value in assigning pluses or minuses. When I grew up, D’s had consequences that came in the form of extra chores. And ...read more...
Puppy Poop Bingo…and the Winner is May 12, 2014As previously promised, the winner of Puppy Poop Bingo is entitled to a fabulous prize. Specifically, an 8×10 glossy of young Freddie, tastefully arranged into a modest collage, and printed out moments ago at the local Walgreens.
As the attached photos attest, Freddie’s signature was not easy to obtain. However – though mangled and coated with slobber – I believe these ...read more...