The Real Jade Estrada
As far as I know
As far as I know
I started he is not an actual
Mom’s fourth book
Mike – On your podcast
There’s been a lot of press here of late, and many questions, mostly around my foundation and our work ethic curriculum, which is now in over 50 public schools. At some point last week, a reporter asked me this question, which I honestly don’t remember answering. So this is either an AI deep fake or I really need a vacation. Mike’s Facebook Page
This past Tuesday in Wichita
Question – what would happen to labor
Before I leave Atlanta for Wichita
If you told me 40 years ago
Six years ago, I told you about a skilled trades initiative
Back in 2015, over a two week period
I can’t tell you how encouraging it is to read letters like yours.
Crazy week.
A couple years ago
The thing I worry about most