The Cookie Rojas of Cable (Ep. 237)

Alison Jolee writes…
Great conversation with Kilmeade. I read his book and loved it. But you know what else was great? Listening to you guys try to figure out how to work the cameras. And the mics. I’d love to see footage of that. Was Brian really in black and white? Also – singing the disclaimer on the Lightstream ad was as beautiful as it was weird. What a strange and interesting person you are, to make me afraid to skip over an ad, or fast forward through stuff that a sane person would edit out. Keep it up!

Hi Alison
Your wish is my command. Here’s the video of the goat rodeo to which you refer. Enjoy. We fixed the color, but yeah, Brian was in B&W when we recorded. He looked like a convict hiding in an elevator. I’ll see what I can do about posting an MP3 of Chuck and I singing a disclaimer like monks doing a Gregorian chant. But if you can’t wait, just go to 22:30. It is, as you say, strange and interesting…

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