Getting Our Work Ethic Curriculum into High Schools & WES Launches

It takes a while to get a good thing going, but I’m excited to say we’re finally getting our work ethic curriculum into high schools. Western High in Las Vegas has adopted our program, and I stopped by yesterday to kick things off and answer a few questions from the press. Better still, mikeroweWORKS has partnered with the Englestad Foundation, to award between 50 and 100 full ride, work ethic scholarships to Western High graduates – at least $4.5 million in total. Details are attached. This is the model I’ve been talking about for years, and hopefully, one we can replicate all over the country. Pretty exciting to see it taking shape in such a meaningful way…

Beyond Western High, the next general enrollment period for work ethic scholarships opens on tomorrow 2/28. We’ll be giving away another million dollars or so, to help train the next generation of skilled workers. Go get some! Apply at

Las Vegas Sun: Mike Rowe’s foundation seeks to bridge skills gap with scholarships for Western High grads to vocational schools
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