After spending the better part of the last two years scolding Americans who dared to question the many rules and regulations regarding mandatory mask wearing, London Breed, the mayor of San Francisco, has had a change of heart. After being photographed at a local club singing and dancing indoors without a mask, the mayor did not apologize. Instead, she explained that she was “feeling the spirit.” When pressed by reporters to reconcile her personal behavior with her official policy, the mayor boldly proclaimed, “We don’t need the fun police to come in and micromanage and tell us what we should or shouldn’t be doing.”
While many have rushed to remind the mayor that she has been the leader of the “fun police,” I prefer to congratulate her for leading by example. Never mind her previous proclamations – London Breed has demonstrated with her actions the undeniable truth that fully vaccinated people have very little to fear from a virus that has a 1/160,000 chance of putting you in the hospital. For her courage, her willingness to ignore her own regulations, her commitment to follow the science, and her determination to get on with her life, London Breed has qualified for a complimentary “Safety Third” mask from the mikeroweWORKS Foundation.
As many of you know, the sale of these completely ineffective but incredibly comfortable cloth masks has so far raised nearly $300,000 for our work-ethic scholarship fund. More importantly, they have provided thousands of Americans with a delightfully subversive way to register their displeasure with the futility of a “Safety First” approach to living. Now, with an effective vaccine in place for those willing to take it, I’m hopeful that more people will purchase one of these completely unnecessary face coverings, to show the “fun police” that the vaccines really do work, and that living in fear is no longer necessary, especially when you’re an elected official who is “feeling the spirit.”
Get yours here. https://bit.ly/3AJBIAH 100% of net proceeds benefit the mikeroweWORKS Foundation.
P.S. In no way is this a criticism of those vaccinated Americans who still prefer to wear masks, socially distance, or remain indoors. It’s a free country, after all, and no one should feel bad for taking every possible precaution, if that’s the way they wish to live. Likewise, if you are a vaccinated American who believes it’s your responsibility to wear a mask in order to protect the unvaccinated, that too, is your prerogative. Or at least, it should be. For those Americans, I’m pleased to offer a complete line of equally ineffective face coverings, that don’t say “Safety Third.” They too, can be found at the above link, along with some other swag, that also benefits the mikeroweWORKS Foundation.
Carry on,