Morning. In a recent episode of RTF, my old friend Alton Thacker and his beautiful wife, Cheryl, dropped by to say hello. I learned that he and his team of elves at Tiny Tim’s Workshop have shipped their 1 millionth handmade toy, which is great news. I also learned he’s run out of scrap wood, which they need to make the next million. Here then, for your consideration, is the only Public Service Announcement ever produced for the express purpose of motivating lumberyards in or around Utah, (or wherever, )to donate their scraps so that more poor kids around the world can get a handmade toy from the remarkable elves at Tiny Tim’s Workshop. Contact them at tinytimstoys.org.
Obviously, a somewhat narrow demography, but hey, ya never know. Enjoy, thanks, and happy Friday.
[EDIT: 2×4’s don’t work, unfortunately. Neither does Pine. What they need is hardwood, any kind of hardwood. Thanks!]