In what can only be called a modern twist on “The Gift of the Magi,” I’m learning of multiple instances whereby married couples purchased identical gifts for their spouses – specifically, my book.
Here, we have Darryl and Debbie Loy, who each scrimped and saved to surprise each other with a copy of The Way I Heard It. Likewise, Aylyffe and Ryan Martin each got exactly what they wanted, but are now resolved to improve their communication skills moving forward, in order to avoid this kind of Christmas redundancy in the future.
My parents, by way of comparison, are sick to death of me, and tired of hearing about my book, (which I’m delighted to say, is still on the NYT Bestsellers List.)
But that’s beside the point is. The point, on this beautiful Christmas morning, is to thank Darryl and Debbie and Aylyffe and Ryan and everyone else on this page who saw fit to give my book as a gift. I’m deeply flattered, and much obliged. (And not at all offended by the prospect of re-gifting…)
Merry Christmas to you all, whatever you’re reading!
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