Mike – Did I just see you in a bathtub at at Walmart? You were on a big screen, and there was no audio, but it sure looked like you were reading your own book in a decidedly sudsy environment. Was I hallucinating? Matha French
Hi Martha. I can’t say if you were hallucinating or not, but it’s entirely possible you weren’t. The business of promoting books these days has evolved, along with my commitment to cleanliness. So…yeah.
Speaking of which, the appearance in Hoboken has evolved from a meet and greet to an audience Q&A, along with a photo op and a signed book. If you’re around Sunday at 5PM, stop by Little City Books. There will be no bubble-baths, but it should be fun anyway. https://www.facebook.com/events/1439871662855241/ They only have room for 85, so first come first served.
The appearences in Atlanta and Indy have both sold out. Thanks!