Hi Mike – I took one of my closest friends to Vegas to see Billy Idol last night. And to top it off I got her a meet and greet after the show. And boy do I wish I’d gotten one too…because she came out afterwards and told me she got to meet you too! After I got over being jealous…she told me she that not only did you let her take a selfie with her phone…that you also took one on your phone during the elevator ride. You would probably remember her tattoos. Here is the thing…the one she took on her phone is really dark, but she said the one you took turned out great. Is there any way possible to somehow get a copy of that pic for her? I would be forever grateful…but if not, I totally understand. Christy Schultz
Hi Christy
Sure. I’m guessing this is her? She was a delight to talk to.
PS. How amazing is Billy Idol? Sixty-one and still making the donuts…
P.P.S. The photo isn’t blurry. This is how I look in real life.