Holy Crap! Check out Otto. I dare you to watch this and not smile. Somebody’s Gotta Do It (Remix by Otto Gross)
Otto, along with a dozen others, has already submitted his version of The Somebody’s Gotta Do It theme song. You can check out the others here.
Submissions include a woman who plays a buttermilk squash, a mesmerizing torch song, and identical twins who, believe it or not, once broke into my hotel my room in Mackinac, got into my bed, and very nearly gave me a stroke. But that’s a story for another time.
All are fabulous. Others, merely fantastic. I’m gonna do all I can to get CNN to put these on the air. The only question is…
where’s yours?
Post your inspiration here.
Submit your version of the “Somebody’s Gotta Do It” theme song! Find out how and hear Mike’s sing-along version HERE.
HURRY! Deadline is September 20, 2014 6:00 ET/3:00 PT