Blogs / Articles

  • Terribly Important People February 13, 2013 One poster grimly noted, “pictures of large stuffed animals lying in the street do not seem consistent with a serious attempt to close our country’s skills gap.” Perhaps this dynamic photo will help assuage concerns? read more...
  • Duck the Duck February 11, 2013 I was trudging home from the gym, when I caught a flash of color in my peripheral vision. Something large and yellowish was moving very quickly through the air. read more...
  • An Old Friend February 1, 2013 For Flashback Friday, I offer you this photo of me at the Marine Corps Ball with a highly decorated Gunnery Sergeant and an old friend. read more...
  • Winning! January 28, 2013 OMG!
  • Celebrities in Competition with Veteran Voice Actors? January 24, 2013 From MRW Water Cooler: Q: Mike, have you seen this? Celebs muffle the voice of experience Even though you are considered a celebrity are you concerned that you may lose out on future voice over jobs, or are you well known and respected enough to not have to worry? — Liz   Hi Liz For the past few years, the LA Times has run a version ... read more...
  • Charm Is Overrated January 10, 2013 Here we have an interesting study in collaboration in the field, involving an openly skeptical producer, an exhausted director and … me, doing my best to persuade. read more...
  • The Winding Road that Lead to Dirty Jobs January 8, 2013 From the MRW Water Cooler: Q: Dear Mike, In one of your episodes you launched into a rather well-sung rendition of “Vecchia zimarra” from “La Boheme.” I’m an opera singer and voice teacher, and immediately recognized your excellent diction and lovely bass/baritone voice. Where did you train, and did you ever sing opera professionally? Also, for heaven’s sake, how does one begin ... read more...
  • Seen AND Heard January 8, 2013 Normally, when I do voiceovers, I sit for a few hours and read under the cloak of invisibility — sipping my beverage, picking my nose, and scratching what itches. Those days are over. read more...
  • Tom Hanks Called Me…Maybe? January 7, 2013 There’s lots of press out there around a documentary called Killing Lincoln, airing next month on the National Geographic Channel. It reminded me of a phone call I got from Tom Hanks a few months ago. Conversation went like this… (Ring R…ing) Mike: Hello? Tom: Hey Mike, how’s it going? Mike: Fine. Who’s this? Tom: It’s Tom! Mike: Tom? Tom: Tom Hanks. Mike: Get out of here. Tom: No, ... read more...
  • Call It a Resolution January 3, 2013 I, Mike Rowe, do hereby publicly pledge to avoid the gym for the entire month of January, and husband my strength for a healthy and vigorous February. read more...
  • Who Am I? December 31, 2012 If we accept the premise that observation changes human behavior and alters a person’s identity, I think we can agree that — based on this photo — I have absolutely no idea who I am anymore. read more...
  • Observing Observation December 27, 2012 It was Werner Heisenberg who first suggested read more...
  • A Turkey Without a Pardon November 21, 2012 A few weeks ago, I was officially informed that Dirty Jobs had entered into a new phase. One I like to call, “permanent hiatus.” Or in the more popular industry vernacular, canceled. read more...
  • Well, THAT Was Fun October 1, 2012 Not long after Dirty Harry started addressing furniture on national television, I began to think seriously about the benefits of keeping my big mouth shut. Alas, it is difficult. read more...
  • The First Four Years Are The Hardest… September 3, 2012 Dear Governor Romney, – My name is Mike Rowe and I own a small company in California called mikeroweWORKS. Currently, mikeroweWORKS is trying to close the country’s skills gap by changing the way Americans feel about Work.  (I know, right? Ambitious.) Anyway, this Labor Day is our 4th anniversary, and I’m commemorating the occasion with an open letter to you. If you ... read more...