NEW STORY – A Perfect Hostage, with Dan Carlin (Ep. 409)

I started he is not an actual historian or expert of any sort. Because in fact, Dan is not an expert. He is, however, possessed of something far more important than mere expertise, or a simple command of the facts. Dan Carlin is possessed – or possibly afflicted – with an abiding sense of curiosity. Boundless curiosity, which has kept him relevant for many years, earned him an enormous following, and made him an indispensable docent in the vast museum we call “the past.”

I invited Dan on this week to discuss my latest mystery for the curious mind with a short attention span, which I share at the outset of the podcast. It’s a story about a hostage I heard years ago, and I always wondered if it was true. So I asked Dan to give it a listen and tell me what I got right and what I got wrong, which he graciously does. But of course, our conversation, as always, takes us where it wants to go. The whole thing is here,, and worth every minute of your time. A short clip, with no spoilers, is below.

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