Gary Sinise Shares the Lessons He Learned From His Late Son, Mac Sinise (Ep. 429)

There’s not much I can tell you about Gary Sinise that you don’t already know. His resume, his talent, his humility, his devotion to serving our veterans, and his extraordinary philanthropy are all a matter of public record.

Some of you may know that Gary’s son, Mac, lost his battle with a rare and especially cruel form of cancer last year. And some of you might also know that Mac was a musician. What you might not know, however, was the level of musical talent Mac Sinise possessed, or the extraordinary work he managed to complete during the last, and the most difficult days of his life.

Honestly, I don’t have the words to articulate Gary’s grief, or the beauty of Mac’s music – some of which Gary discovered on Mac’s laptop, after his son’s untimely death. Along with all of his other good work, Gary is doing all he can to get Mac’s music out there. And not just because he’s a dad who lost a son. He’s doing it, because the music is too good to be forgotten.

This episode is my attempt to help spread the word. Mac Sinise was a hell of a composer. At the end of our conversation, which you can watch here, we play a composition called The Rise, with full orchestra. I think you’ll love it.

Below is a short clip of my conversation with Gary Sinise.

It’s worth your time.

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