Mom’s Book on the Shelves Now

Mom’s fourth book hit the shelves today, and my job, as always, is to do what I can to spread the word. Promotion is difficult these days, what with the election sucking all the air out of the room and half the country convinced the world will end in three weeks no matter the outcome. On the positive side, this is her best book yet, and I know with certainty that people are going to love it. In particular, I’d recommend it to anyone with aging parents. Especially those considering life in a retirement community. My Mom’s experience at Oakcrest these last few years will be useful/poignant/relevant/funny and very, very relatable to parents of all ages, grandparents of all ages, children of all ages, friends of all ages, and of course pets of all ages. In other words, “Oh No, Not the Home,” is a great book, and perfect for any creature of any species that’s still alive. In fact, I’m not even sure you need to be alive to enjoy this book. It’s that’s good.

Anyway, you can get a copy on Amazon. Or wherever people buy books these days. Lots of other options at Either way, I’d be grateful if you shared this silly video.
Much obliged!

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