As promised yesterday, here’s my conversation with Victor Davis Hanson. https://bit.ly/TWIHI398 Much of it revolves around his most recent essay, “America’s Lab Rats,” which I will again encourage you to read before listening to this episode. https://bit.ly/3LWkZ4e It’s not essential that you do so, but the piece really is a very insightful analysis of what’s dividing the country, and the reason I invited him on. (My own company, coincidentally, is called Lab Rat Productions, so that might have influenced me as well.) A short clip is below.
I know that many who listen to my podcast do so because I try to keep politics out of it. Toward that end, I’ve never endorsed a political candidate or talked publicly about who I’m voting for. In fact, I’ve politely declined several invitations over the years to participate in various campaigns to “Rock the Vote” with other celebrity types.
Personally, I believe that encouraging every American to cast a vote, simply because they have the right to do so, is not much different than encouraging every American to buy a gun for the same reason. I prefer to know a bit more about the individual in question before I encourage them to arm themselves. For instance, are they insane? Are they responsible? Are they taking a gun safety course? Are they up to speed on how firearms work? Likewise, I’d like to know if the people I’m encouraging to vote understand how our government works. Are they thoughtful, engaged citizens? Have they honestly considered the implications and unintended consequences of the many policies before us?
I only mention this because Victor Davis Hanson is a well-known intellectual, author, historian, professor, and fifth generation farmer who has made no secret of which party he supports. In fact, Dr. Hanson wrote a very popular book several years ago called “The Case for Trump,” which annoyed many of his fans, and will no doubt annoy them further in paperback, which has just been re-released with lots of new material. But that’s not why I invited him onto the podcast, and our conversation doesn’t veer into politics, per se. Perhaps in this climate, it’s a distinction without a difference, but worth pointing out nevertheless.
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